With the holidays fast approaching, the IKP team has been quite busy with life outside of filming. That being said, I wanted to stop in and give everyone a little bit of good news to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. The microphone was pulled out this last weekend and a few lines were recorded for a secret project that I'm not supposed to talk about. i'll try to keep you all updated on progress as more gets done. If you don't here from me soon, I've more then likely been shot for saying to much.
On a lighter note, a few weeks ago I had the privilege of getting on Skype with our good friends at Action Sack Videos for an interview in an attempt to introduce everyone to who we decided to partner with to get Lost Cause Episode 20 completed. You can watch that video below.
On a lighter note, a few weeks ago I had the privilege of getting on Skype with our good friends at Action Sack Videos for an interview in an attempt to introduce everyone to who we decided to partner with to get Lost Cause Episode 20 completed. You can watch that video below.
| Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the things in your life that you are thankful for right before heading to Black Friday and beating people up to save a few dollars. We would like to say thank you to all of our fans that have stuck with us all these years. We couldn't do this without all your support. We would also like to thank Action Sack Videos for all they have done for us and all they are going to do with us in the future. What would you like to see us do? What do you think this secret project of ours is? Leave a comment below or hit us up on Facebook. |